Friday 27 May 2011

Excel 2003 crashes when closing

Problem: When closing excel, it reports an error

Workaround is to click somewhere on the spreasheet and then closing will work without the crash.
So, open empty excel, click somewhere on the cells,
then save as workbook (Book1) - not template.
Copy Book1 to excel start up folder located in Program files:
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\office\xlstart
and also Startup folder!

If that doesn't help, then
1. Create Excel shortcut on desktop,
Deinstal Office 2003 SP3 and instal Office 2003 SP2
2. Copy PRO11 and FILES folder from installation CD to C - WINDOWS - Installer
(show hidden/ uncheck Hidden to view installer folder)
3. Delete Excel from Program Files - Microsoft Office
and start shortcut of Excel from desktop
4. Dialog will appear:
Use Source and indicate it that to use C - WINDOWS - Installer

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